Wednesday, 20 July 2016


Freehand Vertical& Horizontal Drawing

Architecture Lettering

Understanding the Plan, Elevation& 3D View Drawing ( 3D Blocks)

Multiview Orthographic Projection [ Plan, Elevation X, Elevation Y, 3D Views]

Layout Plan, Ground Floor Plan

Layout Plan, First Floor Plan

Section X-X & Section Y-Y

Right Elevation

Constructing One Point Perspective Gridlines

Constructing One Point Perspective Gridlines with Objects

Constructing Two Point Perspective Gridlines

Constructing Two Point Perspective Gridlines with Objects

Axonometric Drawing
Model Making: Choco Cottage

Facade Design: Sushi Zanmai

IDP: Perspective

IDP: Axonometric Drawing

Monday, 18 July 2016

Project 3- SUPERlair (23/5- 18/72016)

  •  A continuation of the previous projects.
  • With the design principles, language and keywords all figured, design a secret lair for your character to hibernate and serves as a short-term stay hangout. 
  • Creative & unique

  • To apply the knowledge of design principle, formal organization and variation to design ideas 
  • To display creativity throughout design process and come out with innovative design solution. 
  • To show anthropometrics and ergonomics understanding in personal space. 
  • To illustrate and present ideas with proper scale and proportion using the right tools and technique.

Step 1:
  • Do a research on man-made structure inspired by natural habitat. 
  • Sketch out ideas how you can use your inspiration and design language to create interesting structure composition. 

  • Create a story about how your superhero moves to the shelter

  • Identify 3 Activities

 Step 2:

  • SPACE & FUNCTION: With proper circulation, the space has to be designed creatively and specifically to suit the function.
  • FORM: Once the space is determine, you can envelope the structure and appropriate openings with forms that would reflects your design characteristic, language and keywords. Determine the context
  • The maximum perimeter of your floor area is 16m2.
  • Fill in the space with furniture by using the same language (built-in) to accommodate the activities. 
  • Creative and practical solutions that are functional. 


  • With the final model done, we are to proceed with orthographic drawings 

Zoom out perspective
Section A-A
Section B-B

  • 4A3 Draft For Final Presentation Board

  • Mock up Model

  • Final Model

Step 4:  Internal design Review (Final)

  • Final Presentation Board

Learning Outcomes:
  • I have learnt that the importance of anthropology in which how human react to something like furniture. When designing a house or a shelter, we should consider the "activities", the occupants will carry out, but not just our own inspiration. There are also many factor that influence the form of a building for example the context. Under strong wind condition we might want to have a protection feature built-in in the building, or if a building is built on top of a hill, they might need certain support or bracing to support the building. From the advises of professional reviewer, I have been told that I might be too careful and focus of everything which lead to loss of certain focus. Although every information on the board seems equally important, I should focus on something (be the wild factor) to make the board more effective and fluent. In my opinion, this project is hard, tiring and meaningful. I could feel the sense of achievement after seeing my project (all of my previous related work).